Wednesday, August 6, 2008

just an update ...

At my last doctor's appointment (July 28th) my doctor ran a bunch of tests on me to see if my liver & kidney & thyroid function were up to par, and then if I was having issues with blood-sugar. I also had other samples sent into the lab to see if I had bacteria/infection in my small/larger intestine (h-pylori) etc. All of the tests came back negative as of yesterday. So, since "IT" (whatever I have) was not related to any of the tests that were done, I have another doctor's appointment this Friday at 4:10 p.m. to begin more invassive procedures - not exactly sure what that will end up looking like, could be a barium test (fun chalky drink that makes my insides glow) and maybe an endoscopy (tubular optical instrument to view my stomach with and a biopsy (removal of tissue) of my stomach to be sent into the lab for further testing). My doctor is pretty sure that I have cysts; the barium test will prove that to be true or not.

I've also recently taken wheat and dairy out of my diet, my body seems to re-act strongly against wheat and dairy products causing stronger abdominal pains so i'm doing whatever I can to reduce my symptoms.

I'll keep all of you updated! Thank again for your prayers - I really feel the Lord's presence even during this trial - He is continually give me grace and mercy for each day and strengthening my love and faith in Him.


andrea_jennine said...

I will pray for your appointment on Friday afternoon. Thanks for sharing and letting us care for you at care group last night!

Katie said...

Thanks for the update, Brenna. I'm reminded again that your High Priest is able to sympathize with you in all your weaknesses. He is compassionate and merciful towards you.