Wednesday, August 13, 2008

At last I have some relief

Sorry it's taken me a good week to post an update. Last friday I went to see my doctor, and we both agreed not to pursue any invassive treatments, atleast not for right now. I've had an excellent week - nearly pain free. I'm currently taking Prilosec & pro-biotics every morning for my "undiscovered" GI troubles. I'll be taking it for 28 days, then off of it for a week, and if my symptoms come back, then and only then will we pursue invassive procedures. In the evenings I take another round of pro-biotics and amitriptaline for my migraines. It's a preventive medicine that I take at night, hoping to "prevent" them from ever coming. My last migraine was Saturday and I haven't even come close to one in the past four days.

Thanks to all of you, Andrea, Katie, Lauren, Hannah & Lindsay, who have been so faithful to pray for me, and to instill hope in me when I so greatly lacked it. Thank you just as much for feeding the gospel to me, and preaching truth about who God is and what He has done for me, during this trial.

Well, I look back over the last 10 weeks and i'm literally shocked that summer is almost over and that i'm starting clinicals back up in less than two weeks. AH! I got my books in the mail today, thanks to amazon, and started thumbing through them. All I have to say is YIKES, i'm in for a treat! Even though I've been told that this semester will be twice as hard as the last, somehow I feel more prepared and ready for the challenge. Through some of the hard obstacles I had to hurdle around concerning my health, I know that the Lord was strengthening my heart even though my physical body was everything but strong. And even though I was frustrated and weary during all of it, once again I look back and thank the Lord for what He did, and trust that His almighty hand was in complete control even when I felt like things were completely out of control. How sweet it is to know that my Savior has so much control over my life - and if the Lord wanted to use me and challenge me in my faith by means of making my physical body weak and sick, then all I can do is thank the Lord and pray that He was glorified in some way during the whole process.

Now that I'm on a road to recovery, i'm excited to see how the Lord is going to use me this fall in my clinicals - my greatest prayer is that I can be a light to my patients and that they will see Christ at work in my life even while i'm sticking them with needles. Anyone want to volunteer? I'm going to need lots of practice!

1 comment:

andrea_jennine said...

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases..." (Ps. 103.2-3) The Lord is receiving great praise from his evident work in your life!

And I might be available as a needle guinea pig, depending on what results I get next week. ;)