Sunday, August 24, 2008

God has given me GRACE

Today has been so refreshing to me. I went to church anticipating that the Lord would meet with me during the time of worship and message, and meet me He did. How encouraging is it to know that the Lord is ready to aid us - but do we have faith to ask and anticipate that He will?

The title of today's message was "The Last Day & Perservering Faith Today"

Passage: Hebrews 10: 26-39

Main Point: The passage is here to show us that the last day calls for us to have ongoing perserverence today.

Why? Because we have a better possession in Christ (heaven one day). This alone is worth far more than anything this world has to offer us.

So, how does this pertain to me? Well, within the last year, I would say I have endured a few trials.
* My knee surgery (waiting a year for workman's comp to approve the surgery)
* Waiting to get into nursing school
* Jack (my nephews) diagnosis of a heart defect (Mitral Valve Stenosis) & surgery
* My on-going health issues this summer
* Emily's Diabetes I (juvenile) diagnosis last Sunday

But have I endured these trials with JOY? not always. but I CAN and I SHOULD endure each and every trial with joy, faith and trust in my almighty Savior.

What do I need to start doing? View my trials in light of eternity!
This passage in Hebrews should encourage me to keep trusting in Jesus Christ and motivate me to keep from drifting!

I am encouraged. The Lord has given me such grace today, how my heart wants to sing for joy!

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