Saturday, July 5, 2008

I'll Wait in the Love of Jesus

Though I don't like to admit it, admit it I shall. The future scares me. And while I sit here so excited to see what the Lord is going to bring about in my life, in my sin, I am quickly tempted to and often find myself mulling over and dwelling on all the "what if's" "why's" and "maybe's". Just as quickly, I find myself getting sick to my stomach, fearful that the Lord won't hear my cries and answer my prayers (for things now and in the future). The thought, "how is the Lord going to work this out?" often enters my mind.

But then He is so quick to remind me - BRENNA I'm going to give you grace for each day, take it one day at a time, leave the future alone. And it's so true, I should be asking for Grace for TODAY and not worry even about tomorrow's troubles.

And while I ask for grace for today, i'm going to wait in the love of Jesus. Waiting is hard enough, but when done without Jesus Christ and his unfathomable love, it is made even harder. I'm going to run to Jesus and wait in His arms of love.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Oh Brenna...what a hard lesson to be learning. Thank you for the reminder that He gives us grace for each day. Those temptations to fear the future are ones that I've been familiar with for many years. I thought they'd go away once I got married and that particular "what if" was answered. But now, there are other "what ifs" and when I look at them and not at Jesus, I can quickly become sinfully anxious. I'm grateful to the Lord for the things He's taught me as He's refined me through waiting. I know that He's refining you more into His image as well. You're not alone in this struggle!